Lovin' Summer Reading

Jun 08, 2023 at 02:03 pm by cghattas 28

My mind swirls back to the Summer Lovin’ song from the 1978 movie Grease. I was in high school at the time, and even as far back as that seems now, I can still remember.... Read More

The Graduate

May 07, 2023 at 09:00 am by cghattas 47

May could be nick-named the moving-on month. Not only is it when spring is in full force in Tennessee, moving us from the fickle days of April toward the steadier temps of sum.... Read More

The Librarian

Apr 05, 2023 at 01:17 pm by cghattas 7

The first day of April is an important day in the history of Rutherford County because, in 1948, it was the day the doors were opened to Murfreesboro’s first public libr.... Read More

The Message of Spring

Mar 07, 2023 at 06:28 am by cghattas

No one can deny that spring in Tennessee wears many faces. From unexpected snow to eighty-degree days, to thunderstorms and tornadoes, no one ever knows what any one day might.... Read More

Submitted Commentary - Why I'm a Lover of Libraries

Feb 10, 2023 at 08:15 am by cghattas

Submitted by Carol Ghattas - Growing up on East Main, I was within easy walking distance of Linebaugh Public Library, then located on East College Street. That would be reason.... Read More

Why Reading Is Important

Jan 17, 2023 at 06:23 am by cghattas

My mother had a sweatshirt that read: “The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the smarter you grow. The smarter you grow, the stronger your voice, when.... Read More

Christmas on Main Street, by Carol B. Ghattas

Dec 06, 2022 at 05:27 am by cghattas

December marks one year of articles I’ve written for the Murfreesboro Voice, and many have surrounded memories of my childhood on East Main Street. We moved into the hou.... Read More

Election Lessons - Submitted by Author Carol B. Ghattas in Murfreesboro, TN

Nov 15, 2022 at 12:39 pm by cghattas 42

Like many of you, I was happy when this most recent election season was over. All for doing my civic duty in this constitutional republic, living in the internet-social media.... Read More

A Thankful Heart

Nov 08, 2022 at 02:27 pm by cghattas 9

Submitted: Fall is in full force this month, reminding us that with November comes the American holiday of Thanksgiving. Celebrated at various times and ways by states through.... Read More

An Appreciation for Light

Oct 06, 2022 at 08:02 pm by cghattas 16

As the seasons change in Tennessee, so too the length of each day. The November time change will make this even more difficult, as sundown comes early and we drive home from w.... Read More

Reasons for Seasons

Sep 06, 2022 at 11:08 am by cghattas 2

I’m a huge fan of fall in Middle Tennessee. No, not for the football or pumpkin spice, but for the changes brought on through God’s design—cooler temperature.... Read More

Opinion: Back to School

Aug 08, 2022 at 11:42 am by cghattas 1

While our year is marked by seasons, there are other events besides those found in nature that lead us to change course and look ahead. August is marked for us in the ‘B.... Read More

Opinion: What America Means to Me

Jul 03, 2022 at 03:58 pm by cghattas 1

Writing on the weekend of our upcoming Independence Day, I popped a CD in as I worked around the house. It is one that belonged to my late father, whose birthday would have be.... Read More

Opinion: We Need Fathers

Jun 06, 2022 at 01:35 pm by cghattas 1

As Father’s Day draws near, many of us are reflecting on those we call Dad on this earth. For some, that is a wonderful thought, while others may find it distressing. At.... Read More

Summer on Main Street

May 16, 2022 at 01:12 pm by cghattas 1

Warm weather and school holidays remind me of my childhood years at 407 East Main Street. Like many children of that day and the present, both my parents worked outside the ho.... Read More