by Paulette Jackson
It was the middle of the night
Like a weighted blanket that lays
about the shoulders.
It was the middle of the night
When those considered lovers
Of the stars
Began to assemble
As if they were answering an invitation
Or a call
To witness a performance
In the heavens
Of rhythm and of rhyme
About stories and so-called
Revealing truth and meaning
Of time
In a play of light known as
Where what was once misunderstood
and unknown
Suddenly becomes clear
Pinned on Heaven’s canvas
of Indigo blue
Illuminated in the stars
And the poetry they write
In the middle of the night
In honor of Easter, the drawing above focuses on two prominent star patterns, as well as the easiest to recognize in the night skies of the southern hemisphere – the Big Dipper and the Southern Cross. While each constellation is recognized for its particular ancient wisdom, collectively, they are honored as illuminating spiritual truths and connecting the dots of creation.
Wishing you all the hope of Easter.
For the Support of Your Life
For the Many Sides of Life
Paulette Jackson LPC-MHSP
The art above is by Paulette Jackson