How 'Trumpism' Benefits Ordinary Americans

Feb 07, 2018 at 07:00 am by clervin

Americans are an extraordinary people, and it’s high time they had a President who supported them.

While Donald Trump’s first year has been anything but Presidential in a normal sense, his tenure so far has produced capital market gains of some $7 trillion, spreading investment wealth to millions of regular Joes and Janes, while tax cuts have already distributed $3 billion in bonuses and wage hikes to over 2 million workers and counting.

The Trump-inspired American economic revival, accompanied by a cultural earthquake in newfound respect, self-esteem, and optimism for working-class citizens, rural and urban – ignored and maligned since the industrial heartland was eviscerated in the 1980s.

The Americans I’m talking about are the descendants of those who tamed the frontier. Life could be nasty, brutish, and short, as wrote Hobbes in another century.  Yet endurance, calculated risk-taking, commercial cleverness, and even desperation produced American pragmatism and exeptionalism.

Contrary to what you’ll hear in the mainstream media, the national Democratic Party despises these people; remember Joe the Plumber? You’re not allowed to prosper through hard work and individual initiative, only through the government’s collective graces. The phrase, “it takes a village to raise a child” is progressive code for "you're incapable of making the decisions to run your own life."

The big brother government must do it for you.

In this way, you are a permanent dependent who will gladly accept whatever government cheese is handed to you and never strive for better.  

The new cult of victimization epitomizes this concept as well.

It goes like this: The deck is stacked against you by unseen forces that want to hold you down. You’re thus a victim and need someone (the federal government) to intervene on your behalf and balance the deck by redistribution of all sorts. You’ll never succeed on your own but only through altruistic crusading journalists and big government politicians.

The ordinary Americans beginning to succeed are the people who populate the fly-over country, so derided and despised by the national media and smug comedians-Samantha Bee and Stephen Colbert, etc. They worry about the future and being left behind by the globalists of both political parties. Because they’re apprehensive of negative change, they’re condemned as nativists, racists, homophobic, etc.

These are Hillary Clinton's deplorables.  

These are the Walmart shoppers.  

These are the farmers, machine tool-operators, construction workers, grocery aisle shelf-stockers, and small-time entrepreneurs.  

In summary, the deploarbles are the past, present and future of this country.

The history of the American people is a complex saga of bloodshed for freedom from authoritarian tyranny, repudiation of an aristocracy to assure equality of opportunity, and the yearning for self-sufficiency and dignity. The elites don’t get it and never will.

More on this topic in my next column.

Sections: Voices