Celebration under the Stars 2019

Brandon McClintock hits the water at Boro Beach after coming down the pools slide holding his nose and his sunglasses. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Rauol Lara prepares to hit the water at Boro Beach during the Belly Flop contest at Celebration Under the Stars. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Aliya Higinbottham works her way across the rope ladder at Boro Beach during Celebration Under the Stars. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Sergo Marc cools off at Boro Beach during Celebration Under the Stars. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Members of the Harden Draw band plays at Celebration Under the Stars. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks and Rec.
Elijah Johnston and James and Jordan Nowlin take a break at the Celebration Under the Stars for some food from one of the many food trucks at the event. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
John Idea places a balloon bracelet on the arm of Alivia Whitfield he made for her at Celebration Under the Stars. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Mariz Marcus gets a temporary tattoo of a rose airbrushed on her arm at Celebration Under the Stars. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
A child races through one the tunnels on bounce house at Celebration Under the Stars. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Paige Pachucki cools off with at Celebration Under the Stars. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Dustin Watkins decorates his canopy with American flags at Celebration Under the Stars. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Elaine Alexander passes out American flags at Celebration Under the Stars. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Emily Peck relaxes as she waits for the show to start at Celebration Under the Stars. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Gianna Longbrake plays at Celebration Under the Stars. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Christine, Skyler and Caleb May at Celebration Under the Stars. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Vontrell Hardwick sings the National Anthem at Celebration Under the Stars with the Murfreesboro Fire and Rescue Color Guard in the foreground at Celebration Under the Stars. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
Some wait for the show to begin and Celebration Under the Stars and others play at the bounce houses. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
2019 Celebration Under the Stars. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
2019 Celebration Under the Stars. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.
2019 Celebration Under the Stars. photo by Jim Davis/Murfreesboro Parks & Rec.