Lunch & Local - Taco Garage and Mt. Doom

If you look closely top left, you can see swarms of birds feasting on the day's bounty in scene worthy of a Hitchcock movie.
Traveling east on Medical Center Parkway just past Thompson Ln, I noticed Taco Garage in the old P.F. Changs location & could not resist.
You can't miss the TACO sign.
Rookie mistake - failed to capture a photo of lunch before eating. It looked that good. Staff was helpful and friendly. The ordering system is low-tech but effective, pencil & paper. Fill out the card & hand it to cashier. Plenty of casual dine-in tables. Thanks guys - I'll be back.
After lunch, pointed car towards the newsworthy object of this expedition, Middlepoint Landfill aka Mt. Doom. Seen here from satellite, this massive landfill handles trash from Rutherford and surrounding counties. Having this landfill in Rutherford county has meant low garbage disposal fees for local residents for years. Recent price increases for water/sewer services anticipate the closing of the landfill in a few years with increased disposal costs. Note the East Fork of the Stones River meandering along the perimeter of the landfill on the way to Old Hickory lake.
Mt. Doom looming over cotton fields.
MTSU alumni, like me, might remember skipping a class or two to enjoy the sun and sights at Walter Hill dam within viewing distance of the landfill.