What was Bill Ketron thinking in suspending the mask mandate?


I think Bill Ketron should be held accountable for the inevitable increase in disease and death.
Michelle, in my opinion, Bill Keaton WAS thinking. His letter was informational and fair to all parties. He did not advise people not to wear masks; quite the contrary, he asked for respect To be given to businesses who continue to require masks as well as to those who choose to wear or not to wear masks. I happen to agree with Mayor Ketron 100%.
Yes, Michelle, this was a terrible mistake. Keeping the mandate will HELP us keep businesses open, so there's a benefit there for our economy as well as our health!!! It just makes me sick. I will trade with NO businesses who do not have a mask requirement.
The numbers are down, we know who the vulnerable are, and a society cannot function in fear forever. Moreover, the mask advertisements kind of make the media biased ?
If the government imposes a mask mandate and it fails to protect anyone, the government is assuming liability. It is unconstitutional to mandate that we cover our faces. Period. Ketron is distancing himself from the likes of Cooper in Nashville. If Cooper can manipulate the numbers, ANYONE can. Maybe Ketron doesn't trust the sources who are delivering statistics that make no sense. Talk to anyone in the healthcare industries. They make no sense. Statistics are like a lamp post to a drunk. More for support than illumination. Maybe people should take their health and immunity into their own hands instead of waiting for someone else to "protect" them.
Agree with Bill 100%. Wake up people. Govt is not here to shurdown cities because of a flu that 99.94% survive. The media should report deaths of all fatal car accidents daily along with The china virus. How many people would not drive? My fear is that our socirty is losing common sense at a very fast pace.
There is no "fear" in using safe practices. There is no "shutdown" when masks are required. Using the mayor's office to demand some form of "common sense" did help and now that is gone. It's not that I don't take my 'health and immunity into " my "own hands"; it is that I have no control over the irresponsible acts of others who refuse to do so. "Protection" is part of government and examples are too many to even begin listing. Our social contract encourages this protection and I strongly feel that this mandate, if kept in place a few weeks longer, would have helped a great deal.
(Thanks, Tim Powers, for using your NAME with your comments. I am always off-put when folks do not do that!! If I believe it and am posting it, I am glad for others to know from whence it comes!)
Well, let’s just see what happens. Wednesday, Sept. 23rd, Rutherford County had 55 new cases of Covid-19 and a total of 88 deaths to date. Susan Allen
53 new cases on Saturday, Sept. 26th and one additional death (total 89]. Apparently, that wasn’t Viking2000. Yet.
"Actual science" says that wearing masks 95 percent of the time we are out of our homes will likely prevent 100,000 deaths between now and the end of the year (Univ. of Washington study just recently released). "Actual science" has taught us that wearing masks does make a difference ( too much data to even begin to type here.).This has nothing to do with"politicians", whether "liberal" or conservative, though perhaps a great deal more leadership from our current leaders in TN, Rutherford and the U.S. would have made a big difference.
68 new cases yesterday, Sunday, September 27, in Rutherford County.
There will ALWAYS be a virus that can/will cause death. Get over it. Stop acting like a victim.
47 new cases yesterday, Monday, September 28 in Rutherford County. It’s easy to avoid being a statistic without being a victim.
44 new cases yesterday, Tuesday, September 29th in Rutherford County. How many are following Mayor Ketron’s “Rutherford Responsible” mantra or even know what it means? It’s not political. It’s a virulent virus that is easily spread. Stay safe and protect others and we can end this together.
71 new cases yesterday, Wednesday, September 30 in Rutherford County. We now have a total of 93 dead. So sad and so preventable.
Thanks, SusanVEra, for these updates. It's so sad to see Rutherford Co. going backwards!!
56 new cases yesterday, Thursday, October 1st in Rutherford County and 2 more have died for a total of 95. Local and national statistics are posted daily in the Weather Channel app. It’s so sad to see the Nation going backwards ... And now our “Very Big Brain” President has discovered that it is personal risky behavior that makes you vulnerable. I hope this gets through to the doubters. Testing does not prevent the virus, it just discovers it sooner even if one has no symptoms.
Susan, do you recommend masks for the rest of our lives? It would reduce number of colds, flu cases, etc. Risk is a part of life and so is death. We calculate the risks but cannot live in fear. Precautions yes, but masks forever can’t be the answer