Exposing the hypocrisy of the current Facebook flap

Mar 22, 2018 at 09:40 am by clervin

I love exposing liberal hypocrisy as well as the collusion between the media and the “never Trump” crowd. Here’s the short version of the hysteria surrounding Facebook and the 2016 Presidential election.

Facebook came under fire over the weekend after press reports that a political intelligence firm with ties to the presidential campaign of Donald Trump had improperly accessed data from the profiles of as many as 50 million Facebook users via a developer. The firm, Cambridge Analytica, has touted its role in helping swing the 2016 election to the President.

Facebook had already faced scrutiny by U.S. lawmakers over the alleged use of the platform by Russia to send inflammatory and fake news postings to users in the United States during the 2016 presidential election in an attempt to inflame and divide voters.

The company's chief security officer is reportedly resigning this year while stock plummeted.Facebook vice president for marketing Carolyn Everson stated, “We are unbelievably outraged and beyond disturbed at the allegations that data was misused or our policies have been violated.”

Being aghast when confronted with the reality that Facebook allows your personal information to be used by the highest bidder is akin to being surprised that gambling goes on in Las Vegas. Egad, who would have thunk it!

As the controversy over Cambridge Analytics’ alleged misuse of Facebook data grows, other groups’ use of the social network has also been thrust into the spotlight, including President Barack Obama’s 2012 presidential election campaign.

Back then, Obama was described as a visionary, a genius - who figured out how to tap into Facebook’s ocean of data on users — and their friends — to micro-target messages. Oh, the mystique of the Obama hipsters, so attuned to data, so the trope went.

So where was the outcry when Obama mined Facebook? While the press is falling over itself in search of horrifying adjectives to describe the Facebook “data breach,” calling it the scandal of the century, seem to have forgotten the way they treated President Obama’s use of data on millions of Facebook users to win reelection in 2012.

The fact of the matter is Facebook happily, willingly let the Obama team soak up every user data profile on Facebook. And the Obama team’s out bragging about it.

But now they want us to believe that they’re outraged over what Cambridge Analytica did, 270,000 users versus Facebook’s nearly one billion? Stop and think of that number, by the way. Folks, Facebook’s business model is selling your user data. That is Facebook’s business model.

So, why was this data mining genius one day, then a heinous breach of trust the next? The only possible answer is Donald Trump.

I would have warned you had I had the opportunity. This data-mining was great, even lauded when it benefitted the Elect-Obama team, but if it were ever discovered to have benefitted the other side, you’ll be toast-sacrificed at the altar of liberal political orthodoxy. It would have been unacceptable had the Romney camp used it in 2012 but nothing like the hysteria of the current anti-Trump movement.

Now that Facebook’s own user data usage strategy has been revealed, Cambridge Analytica’s alleged use of Facebook data for voter targeting pales in comparison to the ways Facebook itself exploits its private user data for its own purposes.

A 2013 study demonstrated that Facebook data can be used, “to automatically and accurately predict a range of highly sensitive personal attributes including sexual orientation, ethnicity, religious and political affiliations, personality traits, and intelligence, use of addictive substances and more.”

So, you the unsuspecting Facebook user has surrendered all of your privacy to a “faceless” exploiter.

Anyone who has known me longer than one day has heard one of my favorite expressions, “Facebook is the Devil.”

Maybe now you’ll agree with me, but I instead suspect the Rubicon has already been crossed, so to speak. I’m not suggesting you adopt the Unabomber lifestyle in your remote cabin but also don’t assume for one second you have any measure of privacy and aren’t being profiled for both good and ill.

Perhaps the ultimate lesson in this farce is that victimhood still reigns; with the fake Russian conspiracy exposed, someone else has to be blamed. Good luck Zuckerberg.

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