Over 3K New MTSU Students Enter Recent Campus Orientation
MTSU Student Orientation Assistant Gabriella Hunt provides information and answers questions recently during the first freshman CUSTOMS orientation of the spring and summer for the 2022 academic year in the Student Union Ballroom. Nearly 250 students attended the first of 16 sessions for incoming freshmen. (MTSU photo by Andy Heidt)
Jordyn Ewing-Rousch, an MTSU student organization assistant, answers questions being asked by new freshmen attending the first CUSTOMS orientation session recently in the Student Union Ballroom. More than 3,000 freshmen and transfers will be attending orientation this summer. (MTSU photo by Andy Heidt)
Brelinda Johnson, manager of Scholars Academy for the MTSU Office of Student Success, informs the audience attending the first freshman CUSTOMS orientation recently about the many opportunities available to students to make them successful in college throughout their time at the university. Freshman and transfer orientation take place until the end of July. (MTSU photo by Andy Heidt)