Christopher Hale: Christians have a moral responsibility to get the vaccine


Christopher, Leaving politics and religion out of this comment. I'm from the Baby Boomer Generation and grew up in the era where common sense takes precedence over opinions. I am a Christian and choose not to take the vaccine as it is my own choice without influence from anyone in government or from a religious organization. Trying to make Christians feel guilty for not taking the vaccine is an insult as this is an individual's freedom of choice. I can only hope that those who choose to take the vaccine do not suffer health consequences in the future.
Can you and your family stay away from everyone then? Maybe move to Alaska. Lots of freedom up there I hear.
As Senator Ted Cruz said to a reporter who requested that he wear a mask during a press conference, "You're welcome to step away".
Looks like we're at an impasse then. What's one to do?
Praying that you and you family do not suffer any short or long term ill effects from taking the COVID vaccine.
I'm gonna pray for you twice as much.
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