Opinion: First Amendment, Two Interpretations favor white supremacists


Well this was clearly written by some babysitter, one of the geniuses that gobbles up the make up tutorial videos that occupy the space once known as YouTube. Luckily American Renaissance saved me from having to read the entire high school senior year project paper. They served up the funniest parts. I know it was just an opinion piece buy some hair hatted zoomer know-nothing, but perhaps the most ridiculous part is this somebody read it and thought yeah let’s put that in our publication. Absolutely embarrassing. Amren The national treasure, and it is just too bad that it hurt your feelers never they point out the fax. Look out everyone the white supremes are on horseback and headed your way! Hamburgers!!
Dictation is not the most accurate way to post, but is necessary from time to time
This article contains a number of factual errors, inaccuracies, and one thinly disguised slander with no supporting evidence against AmRen conference attendees - like me, for instance. I've attended seven AmRen conferences at Montgomery Bell State Park. I'm not a "white supremacist" or "neo-fascist," and I've never met anyone there who is, least of all the man who organizes and runs American Renaissance, Jared Taylor. Another error: the female protestor who decided to void her bladder in public was not protesting the AmRen conference, but a different conference, of a different organization, a month or two later. Now, let's cut to the chase about why a large police presence was necessary at Montgomery Bell, and why protesters against AmRen were not allowed to enter the hotel-conference center during the event, and were kept some distance away. It is because - in 2017 - when a judge ordered police to allow protestors inside the building, and gave protestors the right to exercise their 1st Amendment rights face to face with the AmRen people, the protestors heckled, harassed and screamed at attendees whenever they went to their cars or stepped outside for some fresh air. Protestors tried to block with their bodies cars of the attendees from leaving the parking lot. Finally, one protestor - wearing homemade body armor under his shirt - provoked a fight with an older conference attendee, injuring him and sending him to the hospital. Because of these abuses of their 1st Amendment rights by the protestors themselves, the police since then have been allowed by a judge to keep protestors at a distance from the AmRen conference, although that has not prevented them from harrasing and even throwing bottles at attendees' cars as they drove into Montgomery Bell in 2018 and 2019. Also, to the sly suggestion that "...AmRen subscribers helped to plan and execute this shocking anarchist insurrection [the Capital riot on Jan. 6]," where is the evidence for that charge? Finally, it is clear the author of this piece is not upset about freedom of speech rules favoring "white supremacists." He is upset that protestors have been prevented by law enforcement from destroying freedom of speech for AmRen conference attendees.
Oh man....as soon as you mentioned/quoted the Southern Poverty Law Center you lost me...they are one of the biggest hate groups in America. An awful buch of Nazi haters.
Waterman, or should I say Waterperson to be politically correct, you are free to leave the state of Tennessee. Please. You obviously hate everything the Volunteer state stands for, and would feel much better in lets say the Failed Socialist State of Illinois. Please move. Give out your address and I bet you will get lots of help in loading the van.
A heartfelt thank-you to the posters above for the belly laugh you gave me this fine Saturday morning. First, to Mr. Gerald Martin, I have no reason to believe you’re lying, sir, when you say you’ve “never met” a white supremacist at an AmRen gathering, but I have every reason to believe you’re delusional. A quick look at AmRen’s website, featuring blogs and opinions with such titles as “White Men: America’s Greatest Asset” and “Seeds Unsown: Lamenting the Childless White Adults”, reaffirms Waterman’s assessment of its subscribers. You go on to empty the proverbial magazine of propagandist techniques with the panicked flailing of a drowning man. And incidentally, I don’t condone violence, but being heckled, harassed and screamed at are some of the occupational hazards of being a racist. If you take umbrage at an opinion about white supremacists, sir, chances are you’re a white supremacist. Next up, Viking2000, who trotted out a variation of the tired old “America – Love It or Leave It” bumper sticker slogan. Consider, if you have the capacity, the possibility that the author loves Tennessee deeply and wants to see it change for the better, the same way any person might love a friend or family member with a toxic predilection or addiction. Love the sinner, hate the sin—that’s the refrain of so many Christian conservatives, right? CaptQuelch, your comment confuses me. You clearly don’t like the Southern Poverty Law Center, but you go on to describe them as “An awful buch (sic) of Nazi haters.” Is it wrong to hate Nazis? Toteswoke, my advice to you is not to post when you’ve been drinking. The internet never forgets. So once again, thanks, fellas, for the good chuckle, and have a nice weekend.
And to you, Dempower, a heartfelt, "You're welcome," for amusing you while enlightening you to the facts about American Renaissance. It is being factual, not "white supremacy" to acknowledge the achievements of whites in history, science, literature, etc. If such acknowledgement seems - ipso facto - "white supremacist," that's in your own mind (& the minds of the "woke" media), not in the real world. Most AmRen attendees don't mind being heckled, harassed & screamed at, to a degree. (I, for one, enjoy argument, hence my presence here.) But the 2017 protestors at AmRen crossed the line, multiple times, from legal free speech into unlawful intimidation and obstruction, endangering attendees & themselves. You can call us inaccuate and meaningless names, but Tennessee law enforcement has decided that AmRen attendees enjoy the same rights as other citizens, i.e., the right of free speech, free assembly, and the right not to be obstructed in exercising such rights.
Dempower, go help the author move.
"Many, if not most, of the participants in the January 6 uprising in Washington espouse the same philosophy, and it's entirely plausible that AmRen subscribers helped to plan and execute this shocking anarchist insurrection." They weren't anarchists. According to the Wall Street Journal, they were Proud Boys. https://www.wsj.com/video/video-investigation-proud-boys-were-key-instigators-in-capitol-riot/37B883B6-9B19-400F-8036-15DE4EA8A015.html
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