What was Bill Ketron thinking in suspending the mask mandate?


Tim, not forever, but how about only until everyone is vaccinated (twice, if that’s what immunization requires) and then yearly (if that’s what is recommended) along with the yearly influenza vaccine and the worldwide case count is not increasing. Until immunizations are widely accepted and in use I, for one, will be wearing a mask. It’s so simple to do if you’re not crazed by the thought that your civil liberties are being violated. Other societies have used masks in public for a very long time. You’ve probably noticed this in international airports if you travel. Yes, it’s new to our country and the fact that our leadership has been making fun of it has made acceptance a lot harder. I’m praying that he has learned his lesson. Fear is not the answer. Being smart is if you understand the risk. Keep your nose covered too, Timmy! ;>)
45 new cases in Rutherford County yesterday, Friday, Oct. 2nd. That totals 331 over the last 6 days. One more soul has passed for a total of 96. Are you wearing a mask and keeping your distance from others?
Susan, could you stop gleefully doing a death count. Or give a count of cancer deaths and others as well. We all get that you are afraid of the China Flu, and will wear a mask the rest of your life since there will not be a 100% vaccine. No disease has one. The rest of us have lives and livehoods to work on.
Thanks, again, Susan, for your persistence. I join you in urging all to use safe practices. There's no "fear" in doing what's right for all. Those who have been responsible have shown us it is quite possible to "have lives and livelihoods" and also use safe practices as we move about our community. Each day, I appreciate more and more those who are helping u to try to slow the spread. The requests are just so minimal for what can be accomplished.
I don’t mind wearing the masks to an extent, but it’s not a catch all. It’s an inconvenience just like seatbelts that shouldn’t be law for adults. It pits groups against each other too. I love you mask wearers though; we just have different opinions ??
Viking, you can count the cancer deaths ... (I HATE cancer) ... and I sure don’t equate the two. Those are suffering from this terrible disease are not spreading it to others. You seem to have missed the point that a major part of the reason for wearing masks is so that we can slow the spread which then will allow us all to get back to a normal way of life and making a living. It is with great sadness that yesterday, Saturday October 3rd, Rutherford county reported 44 new cases and 2 new deaths for a total of 98 deaths. That’s a total of 375 new cases here in 7 days. Viking, I can tell this reality makes you uncomfortable. That’s good.
Yes, it's good if we are all "uncomfortable" - and more - with what's happening. Perhaps this will spur more of our fellow citizens to join in the fight - to mask, to socially distance, to wash hands more often, to stay at home unless there are valid reasons to get out, and on and on and on. Thanks again, SusanVera, for your diligence and persistence. As to a "catchall", noone has ever said that, to my knowledge and/or in my presence. It need not "pit" anyone against anyone. When I see my masked neighbors, it gives me reassurance that they are doing the minimum to help protect me and slow the spread. I appreciate their "inconvenience" and I never fail to thank those in the very, very few businesses that I enter who are doing this for me - and others. I will ever be grateful! I may die from this virus, but it will not be because I have not tried, to the fullest extent, to stay healthy and to help keep others healthy, too.
41 new cases of coronavirus in Rutherford County yesterday, Sunday, October 4. Mask up, folks. Let’s get that number down to zero!
98 new cases of coronavirus in Rutherford County yesterday, Monday, October 5. Cases are up 8.8% since last week. Please be careful because many of the statistics come back late. There are folks out there, not wearing masks or social distancing who are spreading the virus. This insanity has got to end if we are ever to get back to normal.
Sadly, one of our county bus drivers died yesterday from Covid. A teacher was moved to Nashville from our local hospital a few days ago because of her severe case. It's real and it's all around us and, unfortunately, we are often unable to get the full story. Three generations of one family close to me here in Murfreesboro are - and have been - very ill. Get your flu shots and let's get as ready as we can for what's ahead.
(Thankfully, I only go places that are extremely safe, but many do not have that option!)
So sad to hear of the bus driver ... she/he must account for the new statistic of 99 who have died in this county to date. Yesterday, Tuesday, Oct. 6th, Rutherford County had 77 new cases. Surely they will all able to get the same treatment as POTUS. (Good luck with that.)
Not at all uncomfortable with your stunt. How do you feel about George Floyd dying WITH Covid? He would count in Tennessee.
Stunt? George Floyd? Huh? 97 new cases in Rutherford County yesterday, Wednesday, October 7 and more than 50,000 new cases total in the United States.
Dots real close here. Floyd died WITH the China Flu in his body. Tennessee doesn't count deaths OF China Flu, but WITH. He would be included in your little countdown. That's how stupid the stats are that you are breathless over. And you refuse to include the death toll so anyone with a knowledge of math can figure the death rate, which is below 1%.
It's so surprising, SusanVera, to see the lengths to which people will go to try to downplay the threat to our community. What on earth can drive this behavior? I'll never understand why the simple request to wear masks, socially distance, and continue other behaviors which contribute to good health can cause such reactions?
Tennessee reported 1,992 new cases yesterday, Thursday, Oct. 8th and 70 of those were in RuCo. Our death toll is now 101 In the county.
Boy, that Rutherford Responsible is really working, isn’t it? Yesterday, Fri., Oct. 9th we had 99 new cases and another death from Covid (102 total). TN reported 1556 new cases and a total of 2732 deaths statewide.
I am also hearing, SusanVera, of a shortage of beds in our hospital at some times. A friend's mother was kept in a hallway for 24 hours. They offered to send her to another hospital, but her mother refused. And that's just one story of the many that are being told daily about what seems like a "crisis" in the making. Yes, "Rutherford Responsible", just did not cut it.
Saturday, 10/10/20 - 95 new cases, a total of 577 this week. That tops last week’s total of 375.