Part II: Trump at the one-year mark: This is what winning looks like

Jan 29, 2018 at 02:00 pm by clervin

Obamacare: If you listen to the media, the Senate’s failure to pass health care reform legislation represents a failure for the Trump agenda. Actually, progress has been made in many small steps to reform rather than replace in one giant step the death-spiraling government health-care fix. For example, the FDA has dramatically sped up approval for generic drugs; In October, the FDA approved 101 generic drugs, more than in any single month before.

Of course, the big news in health care was the tax bill’s repeal of the Obamacare individual mandate, beginning in 2019. Since this amounts to a de facto tax decrease on those who choose not to buy health insurance, it is both a health care and tax reform victory for Trump.

Judicial appointments: Not only was the appointment to the Supreme Court of Neil Gorsuch considered a home run, in his first year as President, 12 federal appellate court judges have been approved by the Senate. No other first-year President has seat that many judges in the 228-year history of the appellate courts.

Overall dissatisfaction with the federal government: The public voted, by an admittedly narrow margin, against an expansionist federal government. De-regulation and returning power to the states have returned in popularity. Maybe people just woke up from Obama’s crony capitalism, use of the IRS to punish his opponents, and mandating what bathroom schoolchildren can use. Americans had begun to fall in love with entitlement programs, but perhaps this cautionary note still rings true. Ronald Reagan asserted, “A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take from you everything you have.”

Trump will win again: While President Trump hasn’t helped himself with his constant tweeting and s#!thole comments, it seems clear the mainstream media will never credit him with anything. They rather launch a fanciful campaign for his impeachment due to mental illness.

The assessment that Trump will win again will surprise, even shock many because it isn’t what you’re hearing anywhere else.

The news media and left-wing “resistance” have consistently misrepresented and maligned everything Trump’s done (the Trump Derangement Syndrome- see the Mueller Russia Collusion Probe), and his constant tweeting, ostensibly to set the record straight, distracts from his real accomplishments. Maybe the left should actually be pleased with all the tweeting because I think it only hinders his accomplishing more.

Sections: Voices