With all due credit to satirist David Limbaugh, this is a good point in which to reflect on the past year in politics and government.
Jan. 20, 2018 marked the one year anniversary of Donald J. Trump taking office.
I know many held their noses and voted for Donald Trump in November 2016 and many believe his outrageous comments will deny him any hope of reelection in 2020, but after reviewing his first year in office I assess he would win again.
Despite the myriad distractions, most caused by Trump himself, his focus has remained consistent. “Inauguration Day,” he proclaimed, “will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.” In reanimating the lifeless job market and cutting regulations, Trump has done more than any President since Reagan to improve the lives of ordinary Americans.
The Economy: It cannot be denied that Trump’s economic agenda has unleashed an economic boom. Growth has accelerated beyond anyone’s expectations, jobs are being created, and the stock market is booming. In Trump’s first year the economy has done something unseen since 2005, grown at a 3 percent or better pace for three quarters in a row. Tax cuts and the rollback of red tape have led to raises in wages and hiring. The current estimate is that the Trump administration is repealing 22 regulations for every new one created.
Jobs: “The street” reported in November that unemployment had fallen to 4.1%, and the labor market was near full employment. If Donald Trump has been consistent on anything, it’s the idea that creating more jobs for Americans will “make America great again.”
The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits dropped to its lowest level in 44 years for the week ending Oct. 14. Remember during Obama’s jobless economic recovery the labor participation rate declined from 65.7% to 62.7%, a rate unseen since the Jimmy Carter malaise.
Immigration: The left and the media despise Trump for his immigration position above all else, but the principal reason he won the Republican nomination and one of the reasons he beat Hillary Clinton was promising to gain control of illegal immigration and put Americans first.
The number of illegal aliens entering the country has declined even without his proposed border wall and ahead of any legislation. Programs like chain migration and a diversity lottery program are sheer lunacy, and Trump has pledged to end them. Building the border wall in exchange for DACA continuation seems a reasonable compromise as well.
Since we’ve mentioned it, DACA was never passed into law but was created by Barack Obama by executive order.
Why then, cannot President Trump simply cancel it with the stroke of a pen? Judge William Alsup of the Federal District Court of San Francisco issued an injunction preventing Trump from canceling it. One of the lead plaintiffs in the case was Janet Napolitano, now president of the University of California system and Obama’s chief of Homeland Security, architect of the DACA program.
This kind of nonsense lends credibility to the deep state conspiracy theory.