UPDATED: Judicial candidates get into war of words

Apr 25, 2018 at 02:57 pm by Michelle Willard

Judge Barry Tidwell has sent a strongly worded letter to his opponent in the Republican primary, Nathan Nichols, for Circuit Court judge, Division III, demanding retribution.

Or at the very least an apology.

"Barry Tidwell wanted this election to be based upon the qualifications of the candidates," Tidwell's legal counsel Brad Hornsby said in an email to the Murfreesboro Voice. "Unfortunately, as Mr. Nichols has engaged in gutter politics with misleading and outlandish statements. Action has to be taken to educate the voters of the falsehoods being broadcast by Mr. Nichols."

Not since Lou Ann Zelenik set her sights on Diane Black back 2010 has a campaign gotten so dirty so fast.

RELATED: Barry Tidwell, Robin Gentry win Rutherford County Bar Association poll

First Nichols sent out mailers alleging that Tidwell was soft on DUI offenders.

For a judgeship that focuses on civil matters.

That means the Civil Circuit Court judge doesn't see many (if any) DUIs. It's mostly divorces, property damage, and rent disputes.

"His experience in this area is so lacking, he puffs up his criminal experience and is misleading the voters about this election," Hornsby said in an email to the Murfreesboro Voice.

Then Nichols sent out another set of mailers around April 20 that said Tidwell "ruled that a child rapist could live in the same house as an 11-year-old girl."

Implying that Tidwell is soft on child rapists.

Hornsby said that in the case in question Tidwell actually ruled the defendant could not live in the same house as a child.

On his website, Nichols has posted "evidence that Judge Barry Tidwell permitted a violent child rapist to live in the same house as an 11-yr old girl."

Hornsby said he has competing documentation that proves Tidwell banned the defendant from living with the child.

Tidwell has not surprisingly taken offense and sent the letter through Hornsby.

In the letter, Hornsby calls Nichols campaign strategy "false and misleading."

"Surely, as an experienced attorney and someone running for judicial office, you would take the time to be conscientious in gathering information to disseminate to the public," Hornsby wrote.

Implying that Nichols was not "conscientious."

Hornsby goes on to say that "false and misleading statements are prohibited by the Judicial Code of Conduct" before quoting said code and demanding retribution.

"This letter serves as a demand that you print an immediate retraction of these false statements and an apology in The Daily News Journal and the Murfreesboro Post, as well as to send the same to each and every person to whom you sent the offending mailer," Hornsby demanded.

He then asked Nichols to report himself to the Professional Board of Responsibility.

Nichols has yet to issue a reply.

Michelle Willard is a freelance journalist who fills her days with social media marketing, politics, true crime, and taking complaints. You can complain to her on Twitter @MichWillard or by email michelle(at)murfreesborovoice.com.

Tags: Elections 2018
Sections: Other News