Ending the Rutherford County Mask Mandate is Dangerous Culture War Nonsense


I find it interesting that experts say wear a mask because...science. But they never offer scientific research that proves wearing cloth over your face is actually effective. It seems Mr. Donnoho merely uses this article to spew his vile hatred of everything conservative. He uses “logic” as though he has all the answers and anyone who disagrees is just ignorant. Unfortunately he misses the big picture that Covid mandates and lockdowns are about control by the elite ruling class. Freedom says you may choose to wear a mask rather than be shamed or ordered to. Thanks Mr. Ketron.
There are over 819,000,000 posts on the internet of why to wear a face mask. In a nutshell they reduce viral transmission, prevent asymptomatic spread, protect you and others from contamination and, as a side benefit, stop transmission of influenza. Your statement that "they never offer scientific research" is not true. What is true is that a politically challeneged county right leaning county mayor is playing to the base. Masks are the cheapest and most effective way to control covid-19. Mask wearing is seen by some as a way to protect their families, themselves and others from the disease. Others see it, as you do, as an assault on freedom and rights. I would imagine if the 500,000 dead could speak, many of them would not see mask wearing as about the "elite ruling class" trying to control them. That 15 mph sign in a school zone is designed for control as well.
The Republican political cadre has demonstrated that they're willing to do anything to cling to what power they have, including pervert the Constitution, thumb their noses at the rule of law, build a culture of cultism through an endless blizzard of lies, propaganda and gaslighting, and sacrificing human lives. In one of the last conversations I had with my father before he died, he told me he was worried about the future of the country. That was when George W. Bush was president. I'm not glad my father is dead, but I am glad he's not alive now to see what we have become.
I expect all the face mask worshippers to wear their mask for the rest of their life. There always have and always will be communicable diseases that you can pick up and take home to kill grandma and grandpa. This crap about China Flu being "special" is bovine scatology. If it saves only one life, it's well worth it, right. And change the name of this thing. M'Boro Socialist would fit. It's not the Voice of the vast majority of Murfreesboro inhabitants.
819,000,000 internet posts on the effectiveness of masks? The statement is as absurd as the made up number. Dr. Fauci originally said masks were not effective and then he said wear three. I agree that 500.000 Covid deaths is horrifying. I also maintain that the thousands who have died from suicide, opioid overdose, and lack of healthcare because of Draconian lockdowns is equally horrifying. Elected leaders and unelected experts use fear to control us while many are unwilling to follow their own strict guidelines. Masks and social distancing are important except during social justice protests and “peaceful” riots. The hypocritical messaging by those in power is just not effective. So I will wear a mask because I choose to even though there are countless studies that show they are not effective. My question is this. Covid is not ever going away. Will the lockdowns? Will we wear masks until we die? Will large gatherings always be illegal? And-will those in power ever relinquish that power? Freedom is at stake.
Ketron , by not following the guidelines and failing to be responsible in his duty to protect the citizens of Rutherford county, should be judged guilty of the needless loss of life that will surely be the outcome. Get rid of this ineffectual "leader".
So, I have many beefs with the current mayor - but this is not a political issue (unless you look at the peeps who believe the opinions of those who claim it is science) but then have never shown a scientific study to prove it. In fact, there have been many controlled studies going back to the late '30s which have ALL concluded wearing a mask vs not showed no discernable outcomes of either - in other words, masks do not work. If they did, then FAUCI is a bald face liar - saying they were not effective. Then he flip-flopped and claimed they are necessary - which piece of science did he pull out of the air for that one? Now he's recommending TWO MASKS??? You gotta be kidding me.. And there will be sheeple obediently putting on their face-diaper to march lockstep as the submissive slave-class not bothering to do any critical thinking or research. Virtue signalling while giving up what little modicum of freedom we think we have. I will not wear a mask - you go ahead and do it for me... go ahead and get vaxxed too and you should be safe, right? BTW - they (scientists?) say if you get the vaccine you still need to wear your mask and social distance and not gather... Why then even get the vaccine? Just what does it do for you if you have to still defer to these flip-flopping lying scientists? I feel sad for people who just lap up the dogma, agenda, pap and mythology and propaganda without ever lifting a brain cell to vet and verify the obvious.
Oh god. You had me at face-diaper. Lolol. So true. OMG. Hahahaha. OMG. YES.
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