Put your phone down in school zones

Mar 05, 2018 at 11:28 am by Lisa Marchesoni

Drivers are prohibited from talking or texting on cell phones in active school zones under Tennessee state law.

As of Jan. 1, it is a misdemeanor for drivers to use the cell phones in any marked school zones. If convicted, the driver faces a fine up to $50.

Sheriff’s Cpl. Michael Rodgers said School Resource Officers asked him to post message signs reminding drivers of the new law in school zones.

He posted the signs near the high-traffic Blackman High School, Middle School and Elementary schools.

Patrol deputies are issuing warning tickets to drivers now.

The signs were furnished through a grant supplied by the Tennessee Highway Safety Office.

Tags: Rutherford County Sheriff's Office Tennessee Highway Safety Office (THSO)
Sections: Other News